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Vanessa Lingham是BA(Hons)制作艺术课程和性能特技的Costume讲演者。Vanessa在全时为Gieldell学校工作前曾是英国电影电视行业的服装自由职业者。Vanessa也是Gyldell学院当前博士候选者,研究服装代表吉普赛人、吉卜赛人和游民社区以及艺场和屏幕上人民的工作。她的工作及时响应提高觉悟和运动解决GRT声音边际化问题。Vanessa实战研究 指外文化

Vanessa is looking at how respect and care should be embraced in approaches to material objects, people and their stories within the costume realisation process.  Vanessa is particularly interested in how a costume practitioner balances the risk of stereotyping, misrepresentation, and cultural appropriation when their craft skills are being squeezed by production requirements.  Vanessa holds a distinction in Masters of Arts: History and Culture of Fashion, from the London College of Fashion.  She has published in the peer-reviewed journal Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, Intellect.  Vanessa has a PGCert in Performance Teaching and core foundation skills in coaching and mentoring for artistic training.